Hey, I’m Nak-Ed


Hey there, Welcome to Nak-Ed, New Zealand’s first lifestyle content blog focused on sex, sexuality, diversity, inclusion and mental health.

Nak-Ed is a site where people can explore what they want without societies pressure of judgement getting in the way of what they can consume.

Sex, sexuality, diversity, inclusion, mental health; Our topics are broad but our goal here is simple; entertain, inform, inspire and educate. There is no such thing as taboo here, just connection and content to fill the gap (pun intended, of course).

Sex, sexuality, diversity, inclusion, mental health; Our topics are broad but our goal here is simple; entertain, inform, inspire and educate.

There is no such thing as taboo here, just connection and content to fill the gap (pun intended, of course).

Nak-Ed is a site where you can find the best advice on clit stimulating vibrators and up-to-date sexual health news, but also where you can learn the truth about the orgasm gap, societies declining mental health and the lack of infrastructure we have in society to accommodate marginalised groups.

We are here to amplify the voices of the often unheard, by sharing their story for what it is; a completely normal human experience. Through our contributors we share these stories with the aim to help anyone struggling to feel a connection due to societies effort to make them feel alone.

Nak-Ed would have also not existed without our key content partners. These groups, organisations and individuals provide up to date opinions, expert advice and education to make sure we are representing the best of the groups and individuals and supporting those who have been operating in this space for years.

So, thank you for being here at Nak-Ed with us. We hope you like what you see.