Dicked Down: Why men get tired after sex
Whether it’s the chemicals released from an orgasm, exhaustion after a workout or just something completely unrelated, many people often wonder why males get tired after sex.
Even more so, a new study by Manual has found that the question of why do men get tired after sex? is a top trending search query when it comes to the men’s sex lives – ranking in second place.
Thankfully, Dr Earim Chaudry, medical director at Manual has the golden answer to this question:
He said: “Men typically get very tired after sexual intercourse and ejaculation due to a biochemical known as prolactin being released. It has also been suggested that glycogen, which promotes energy, is lessened during intercourse, especially if the man has physically exerted himself. This was discovered by Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg, M.D.
“As research has shown that men and women both feel that men are more ‘entitled’ to orgasms during sex, they are more likely to be fatigued than a woman that has not reached her climax yet.
“Oxytocin, which is responsible for positive feelings, is also released during sex, which in turn could lessen feelings of anxiety or worries about the next day that could prevent a restful night. The prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is in charge of alertness, has also been shown to shut down after ejaculation, which would make it a lot easier to sleep.”
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