Breaking Taboos with a Smile: Vulva Talks’ Mission to Get Everyone Talking About Pleasure

When Samantha Marshall interviewed for a role at Femtech retailer Smile Makers, she thought, “This sounds like a cool gig; let’s go for it.” Little did she know that talking about sex and wellness would become one of her greatest passions. 

Early in the interview process, she had a bit of an epiphany. “Hang on,” she thought, “I really love talking about sex.” Fast forward to a sunny day in Brixton during lockdown, and there’s Marshall, sitting in a park, eavesdropping (we all do it) on a group of women venting about the usual suspects: period pain, contraception woes, and all the ‘fun’ parts of womanhood.

Samantha Marshall – Head of Brand at Smile Makers

Naturally, as one does, Marshall texted her friend, asking if it was insane to approach these total strangers and spark up a conversation about—yep, you guessed it—sex. Her friend’s wise advice? “Why not – You’ve got nothing to lose.” So Marshall did it. She walked over, and what followed was one of the most wholesome, open, and downright delightful conversations she’s ever had. They talked for so long, Marshall ended up missing her next appointment, a therapy session, completely lost in a world of breaking taboos and talking about pleasure.

It was one of those lightbulb moments you hear so much of —if she could connect so naturally with strangers in the park about the pleasure potential women have, imagine what could happen with the Smile Makers’ community. It was all about building an open dialogue, helping women embrace their bodies and push through the ridiculous layers of shame and misunderstanding surrounding them.

Marshall’s personal journey also played a role in shaping her passion for sexual wellness. Back in 2017, she went through a double mastectomy and reconstruction after discovering she had the BRCA1 genetic mutation. That experience hit home. “Wow,” she thought, “I’ve taken my knowledge of my own body for granted.” From then on, she made it her mission to open up the conversation, not only about pleasure but about our bodies as a whole. After all, she says, “We’ve still got so much to learn about our own bodies.”

Mission: Vulva Talks

So, what exactly is Vulva Talks by Smile Makers? In its simplest form it’s a free sex education platform that taps into experts in the sexual wellness space to provide a free course for those wanting to enhance their understanding of the vagina owner’s body. 

As Marshall, now Head of Brand at Smile Makers tells it, although vibrators were the brand’s bread and butter from day one they quickly realised that most people thought vibrators were only supposed to look like, well… the classic penetrative kind. “We knew we had to educate people about pleasure, too,” Marshall says. And so, Vulva Talks was born, blending education with a lighthearted approach to break down those societal barriers.

The stats back it up. A global survey conducted by Smile Makers revealed that 28% of people had never received formal sex education. More shocking? Three-quarters of respondents felt their sex ed didn’t prepare them for the pleasures of life, either. 

“That’s four in five people!” Marshall exclaims. “So, it was clear: we needed to push Vulva Talks further.” And push they did. Vulva Talks is now free, accessible, and inclusive, reaching people of all ages and stages of life.

For her it’s all about getting people to walk away with at least one fun fact. Whether it’s about the clitoris, menopause, or anything in between, she wants people to spread that knowledge.

“Tell your friends, your parents, or even your dinner date. If we start with one fact at a time, we can change how society talks about sexual wellness.”

Dismantling Common Misconceptions About Female Sexuality

Ah, misconceptions. Marshall’s favourite topic to tackle. “Let’s start with how we define sex,” she says. “Sex isn’t just intercourse; there’s so much more to it.” The traditional, heteronormative, penetrative-focused definition is, frankly, outdated. And don’t even get her started on the myth that sex always involves a partner. Marshall argues that solo sex—yes, we’re talking masturbation here—is a crucial part of anyone’s sex life.

“I once had a mind-blowing chat with a sexuality educator from the Netherlands,” Marshall recalls. “She said if we replace the word ‘sex’ with ‘sexuality,’ it completely changes the conversation.” Sexuality isn’t an action, Marshall says—it’s a human experience, and a deeply personal one at that. “Your sex life continues whether or not you’re in a relationship” she adds, passionately championing the importance of self-exploration and solo pleasure.

And, of course, Marshall can’t leave out the classic anatomy confusion: vagina versus vulva. It’s such a big deal that Vulva Talks has it in the title for a reason. “People need to know their anatomy,” she says. And once they do? Well, the world’s a much brighter, more orgasmic place.

Keeping It Fun & Engaging

When it comes to content, Marshall and the Smile Makers team are all about keeping things light but balanced. “There’s so much to be serious about, but there’s also so much joy in discovering your body and pleasure,” she says. The goal? Inspire people to explore and embrace their sexual wellness in a way that’s approachable. 

Vulva Talks doesn’t dictate what to do—it offers a variety of perspectives, encouraging people to find what resonates with them.

“We don’t just want people to learn about sex, we want them to have fun with it.”

So, how does a brand like Smile Makers engage with more conservative crowds? Simple: by being unapologetically present. 

“We wanted to make sure we were in places where people are comfortable—like beauty stores or wellness shops,” says Marshall. You won’t find them tucked away in the back of a dark sex shop. No, they’re out in the open, challenging taboos by being, well, normal. “We’re forcing ourselves into everyday conversations.”

And the world’s catching on. Years ago, social media posts about sexual wellness would have been met with backlash. Today? Marshall says for every one naysayer, there are four people ready to shout, “This is normal!” from the rooftops. 

It’s that societal shift she’s been waiting for, and it’s happening right before her eyes.

Baby Steps for a Bigger Cause

Of course, it’s not all about fun and games. Smile Makers takes accuracy seriously. 

“Everything we talk about starts with the community,” Marshall explains. The forever-open question box ensures the brand is answering real concerns. They also collaborate with a diverse range of experts, from gynaecologists to sex coaches, and fact-check everything through reputable research outlets like the Kinsey Institute and the Journal of Sexual Health.

For Marshall, it’s all about staying up-to-date and making sure the information is inclusive and varied, touching on all aspects of sexuality, not just the mainstream.

At the end of the day, Marshall’s mission with Smile Makers and Vulva Talks is simple: 

“We just want to inspire people to embrace their sexual wellness with curiosity and confidence.” 

And with her passion, dedication and the steady rise of Vulva Talks, it seems the world is ready to listen.

For those interested in learning more about Vulva Talks and enrolling to further your own sexual wellness education, you can head to the free platform here.